
Sharing your story through a college essay

Every day students of all academic levels and majors are asked to complete an essay. It is a typical assignment, which aims to show writing skills, mastership of the topic and an ability to follow requested guidelines.

At first, a common application essay may seem quite a simple task. However, it has lots of underwater stones. Here are only some of the reasons why students find it hard to complete an essay:

  • Absence of time. Crazy life rhythm makes it difficult to complete everything on time. Professors assign more and more tasks, which are all urgent and important. That is why students have to choose which tasks to complete and which – to put aside;
  • Lack of imagination and inspiration. It is not enough to rewrite a certain article to get a high grade. You should put your heart and soul into your essay, which is quite difficult for those, who are not eloquent enough;
  • No writing skills. It is always difficult to put thoughts on paper, especially for a freshman year students. Even if you have a winning topic, you may sound too boring, losing attention of the reader;
  • Lots of other tasks. You may need to prepare a project, participate in a conference or write an admission paper at the same time. This makes it quite difficult to focus your attention on a single essay;
  • A necessity to miss classes. Nowadays students want to have it all, attending parties, working part-time and doing sports. That is why quite often they have to miss classes, ending up in poor understanding of the topic or forgetting about assignments.

Higher education is not the only thing matters, so for a modern student it is very important to combine studies with social life, work and other activities.

Importance of an outstanding essay

Essay writing becomes a nightmare for most of the students and they are trying to find a way to simplify the process. Some of them decide to copy and paste online samples. It is a free and quick way of getting an assignment but still quite a risky one. If your professor uses plagiarism software or simply knows your writing style, you may get yourself into big troubles.

There are also students, who prefer buying a college essay from their fellows. These are regular students, who have high grades and charge a very reasonable price for completing all sorts of works. It may sound quite an attractive idea at first but there are many reasons why you shouldn’t order such a paper. First, it is illegal. If someone finds out, both of you may be kicked out of college and get a really bad reputation. Secondly, not many students are responsible enough and you may miss the deadline or deliver a poor quality paper without a chance of getting your money back.

Students, who take care about their reputation and know how important it is to order a quality paper, prefer turning to writing companies online. They deliver assignments based on your guidelines, following the deadline and giving all the necessary guarantees. Even if you are a high school student you can be sure that such services will complete your homework.

We are providing writing assistance for years and thousands of happy students get back to us with more and more tasks, as they already know how simple student years can become if you have someone to cover your back any time of the day and night!

Tips for an outstanding essay

If you decide to work on the assignment on your own, you need to know the key tips for delivering a professional and catchy assignment. We have collected the most popular ones based on many years of experience and comments of pleased students. Just go on reading to learn all of them and get ready to deliver the best essay you have ever had!

Interest in the topic

In most of the cases professors allow students to select the topic on their own. However, for some of the students it becomes a real challenge and they put the paper aside even before writing the first line.

Everything starts with an idea, so you should be very attentive and serious, when choosing a thing to discuss. There are hundreds of thousands essay topics, so you need to be careful, when selecting a matter to write about.

It should be related with the subject and topic you are studying. You can’t write about presidential elections in France for a chemistry class. If there is no topic selection, you can get familiar with the lists online and get a picture of what is relevant for your particular class.

You need to feel passion about the matter. There is no point in discussing a topic you are not interested in. If you don’t like the subject, you will most likely want to quit or feel tempted to simply copy an essay online. To stay motivated along the way you should be passionate about what you discuss.

Remember, with a proper topic selection you will be able to overcome sleepless nights, lack of inspiration and temptation to quit, choosing more interesting and pleasant tasks.

Reflect on the subject

There are tens of essay types and you will hardly find even three of them, which only require a brief retelling of the story or topic. This means that your college essay should not bore the reader with enumerating key facts. It should engage the audience, stirring up its imagination and rendering a deep meaning.

You need to reflect on the matter and provide your own vision of the subject. Even if your professor is quite conservative and is only interested in how well you are able to find information, he will be pleased to see that you are able to analyze the data and explain your own position on the subject.

Here the best advice is to make a list of the main arguments you want to include to your essay and then write down all the thoughts you have. This will help you to understand what you think on every matter and build a strong structure of the future work.

Audience loves reading about personal thoughts, experience and aspirations of the author, so don’t neglect such a powerful tool. It may greatly contribute to the overall grades and help you to appeal to feelings and emotions of the teacher.

Such a simple but useful technique may save your essay even if its grammar, lexis or structure are far from perfect.

Don’t be boring!

Most of the students are tempted to sound as professional and academic as possible, when completing a paper, even if it is a supplemental essay. They use complex words and terms, trying to impress professors and audience.

However, in most of the cases it becomes their biggest mistake, because papers with complex terminology and long sentences usually sound too boring and no one wants to read them. The best advice here is to write your essay as if the audience doesn’t know a thing about your topic. You can ask your family members to read the final draft. In such a way you will get an honest opinion and will find out whether the text is clear for a common reader.

In case you are too shy to show your paper to anyone, use websites with synonyms and try to polish your text to make it sound simple and clear. Remember, even if your topic is strictly professional and academic, you can dilute it with a few jokes, bright examples and colorful details.

In such a way you will show that you not only master the topic but can make it interesting for the audience. Don’t forget about the hook, which should be placed at the end of your introductory section and contain engaging elements to grab interest of the audience. It can be a quote, an interesting fact, story from your own life or an appropriate joke.

Give yourself enough time

Probably one of the biggest mistakes every student makes, when completing a written assignment is delaying it until the final date approaches. They think that writing an essay is quite simple and will only take several hours. Unfortunately, they are wrong: not depending whether you need to write a book review or a college admission essay you should start completing it well in advance, as every stage requires lots of attention and time.

First, devote a day or two to choosing a proper topic. Write down all the options, narrowing them down to two or three and then analyze which matter appeals to you. Then spend a few days on writing drafts and polishing them. Eventually put your essay aside, giving it at least several hours to cool down on your desk. Then give it a fresh look and fix all the mistakes.

As you see, having lots of time in advance has many benefits and may greatly reduce stress and anxiety, which students face, when being late with the delivery.

If you still don’t know how to cope with everything on time, read articles or books on time management and make a plan of the things you need to complete. Set clear time frames and trace whether there are any side activities, which distract you from the main task.

Only by planning everything in advance you will be able to write your essay in a relaxed and calm way, which will greatly contribute to the quality of your paper.

Follow the structure

It doesn’t matter whether your essay will be checked by school teachers or admission officers: it should follow a clear and accepted structure. To save time in the future, sit down and make notes on the main sections of a regular essay. In such a way you will only need to peep into your notes, when the next assignment arrives.

Your essay should consist of the following elements:

  • Introduction. You should always start your assignment with a brief introduction into the topic. In a few sentences explain the audience what you are going to write about. Then write a thesis statement, which gives the reader a chance to understand why your topic is important. Close this section with a hook to encourage the audience to go on reading;
  • Body paragraphs. Their quantity depends on the number of arguments you are willing to discuss. We recommend sticking to maximum five arguments, as the reader shouldn’t be bored or tired of huge information volumes. Provide credible and reliable facts to back every argument. If the subject allows, write about your own experience and thoughts on the matter;
  • Conclusion. Once you are done with body paragraphs, you need to summarize everything. Write a few sentences, paraphrasing your introduction and making predictions for the future. You can also add a sentence, encouraging the reader to learn more on the topic.

Edit edit edit

Unfortunately, not many students have enough patience to polish their personal essay after finishing the last sentence. They think that delivering quality content and reliable information is enough.

However, most of professors will greatly lower your final scores if an essay contains mistakes, typos and other sorts of errors. That is why you need to read your paper line by line to make sure it is smooth and flawless.

If you have any doubts, you can use online programs, which scan the text and send you a report with all the mistakes they have found. You can also ask your friends or relatives to read an essay and help you find errors.

In case you don’t want to turn to the people you know, you can always hire professional proofreaders and editors, who have academic background and access to the latest software. In such a way, you will always be sure that your essay is flawless and contains no mistakes, both grammar and lexical ones.

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