Topic ideas for your writing needs: a comprehensive guideline

Students on all continents face multiple assignments day after day. Both high school, college, and university schoolers need to complete essays, research papers, reports, reviews, and theses on a variety of subjects and topics. And in most cases, they have to choose the issue on their own.

Some may say that being able to select a topic on your own is a great advantage, but our experience shows that students are lost and can’t concentrate on a single issue. They are always looking for a better option and often fail to meet deadlines because they can’t pick a single topic.

However, there is a simple solution: boosting your imagination by choosing one of the topics created by our authors. You no longer have to question yourself which issue to discuss and what topic to cover: simply read the options below and choose the one that meets your academic level, interests, and subject.

Lists of topic ideas for your writing needs have multiple advantages:

  • They save lots of time;
  • They boost your creativity;
  • They help to look at the topic from a different angle.

Now let us put all the introductions aside and share our 2020 list of the best topics. Write them down, save on your computer, or even print out to have on the desk. We guarantee that you will no longer have to experience the fear of a blank paper and will be able to pick a topic that will not only cover the issue but will also be interesting for you and for the audience.

The best topic ideas

  1. The best trip you have ever had.
  2. The best advice you have ever obtained.
  3. Turn the last Instagram post into a novel.
  4. Add a new scene to your favorite movie.
  5. A just-married couple has a disagreement in public.
  6. Who is your favorite teacher, and why?
  7. The time you have witnessed a miracle. Describe the situation and your emotions.
  8. Tell about your first time being in love.
  9. Write about the person or thing that makes you smile from ear to ear.
  10. Tell about the situation when you got lost.
  11. What your first job was? What lessons have you learned?
  12. Write a letter to your 10-year old self.
  13. Things you love the most about writing.
  14. Ten years from now, I’ll be…
  15. Winter vacation of your dreams.
  16. Are you an introvert or an extravert?
  17. You have $1,000. What would you buy: a new iPhone or a family trip?
  18. Your biggest achievement.
  19. The biggest fear you have.
  20. A conversation between you and a person on a plane.
  21. A time when your feelings were hurt.
  22. Make a story out of your favorite song.
  23. Tell about the life of a writer that you love.
  24. Describe the room you are in right now.
  25. If only I knew the things, I know now.
  26. What would you do if you were able to travel back in time?
  27. You have $1,000,000 on the bank account. What would you do with it?
  28. You have traveled to space. Describe your experience.
  29. What career would you choose if there is no need to make money?
  30. You live alone on an island. Tell about your daily routine.
  31. You are abroad and don’t know the language. What will you do?
  32. Describe the love story of your parents. What makes it unique.
  33. Write about your biggest achievement.
  34. If you could choose any superpower, what would it be?
  35. You are a cat. Describe your regular day.
  36. Write about a person you admire.
  37. Write about the first post you see on the Facebook feed.
  38. Write about a situation when you felt awkward and uncomfortable.
  39. He tried to forget her but failed.
  40. Just as the train leaves the station, you find a note in your pocket.
  41. None remembers you: describe yourself to your friends and family.
  42. An abandoned house outside your home town;
  43. The last person on earth.
  44. You scream louder, trying to attract someone’s attention, but nobody’s there.
  45. The door that was locked a minute ago is now open.
  46. Your phone rings in the middle of the night…
  47. His bachelor party turned into a nightmare.
  48. She left without saying goodbye. He stood in an empty room with her engagement ring.
  49. A deaf man is in love. Describe what he’s feeling.
  50. If you could stop time, what would you do?
  51. It was the last day of humanity. Describe it.
  52. You have one month left to live.
  53. How will our planet look in 100 years?
  54. You need to hide the body. The cops are on their way.
  55. It is August, five and the snow continues to fall.
  56. She has planned this day for over five years.
  57. The COVID-19 lockdown continued for two years.
  58. My worst day at school.
  59. The time when I wanted to run away and never return back.
  60. Love makes us weak and strong at the same time.

A place, where you can get professional help

The topics above are a great starting point for those who want to get the ball rolling. They may seem simple at first, but don’t be fooled by the cover: there are so many emotions, feelings, and expectations under a simple description of your routine.

Sounds too complicated? Don’t feel like writing a paper? Don’t worry, is a place where you can not only learn how to write academic assignments and choose a topic but also order a paper.

We are a team of professional writers, tutors, editors, proofreaders, and managers, who have over ten years of academic experience. We all share the love of writing and know how to make a masterpiece even out of the simplest essay.

Any time when you’re feeling lost or stressed, not knowing how to get started or see that the deadlines are near, send us a message. is always online: even during holidays or late after midnight. We strive to help students in all parts of the world, so work without days off and lunch breaks.

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  • Hundreds of subjects and tens of formatting styles. There are no difficult tasks for us!

If you have any questions left, don’t hesitate to reach us. We’ll explain everything and will help with any academic problems you may be facing. You are no longer alone!

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